
"Figure out who you are and do it on purpose"

-Dolly Parton

Thank you for visiting my page!
Have a lovely day :D

2002, Intersex, any pronouns
💖Married and Monogamous💖
Gemini, Autistic, Buddhist
Adults only. The internet is not safe for children and I'm not your babysitter.

♥ I love animals, I'm a big time animal rights activist (anti-PETA) and a reptile keeper obsessed with always bettering my own and others' husbandry. I have worked professionally as an animal husbandry specialist, and update my knowledge of animals often.
♥ We currently have a chihuahua, a chiweenie, a boa constrictor imperator, a northern blue-tongue skink, and a kenyan sand boa!
♥ I love human history, specifically gay history! I'm always excited to learn more about my community and our strong history built on love, community, and acceptance :)
♥ My favorite musical artists are Orville Peck, The Beatles, and The Mamas and The Papas
♥ My interests include crafting, doll collecting, reptiles, MLP, furry art, fashion design, drag, interior design, studying proper animal care, and gaming
PLEASE NOTE: my only social medias are listed on my homepage. If someone is claiming to be me on any other platform, it is not me.

All of these birthdays are rough estimates, but in the correct month and year!

Note: Peggy and Neumann came from knowledgeable reptile breeders. I support reputable, honest, upstanding breeders who put the well-being of their animals before anything else. I do not support big box pet store animal sales or the breeders that supply those animals, backyard dog breeders, and ESPECIALLY not puppy mills. Please always do the proper research before taking home any animal, especially research about where they come from and the breeders you are supporting. If you ever want help with this research, please feel free to reach out!

Do not reupload my art anywhere unless it is art I have sold or explicitly made for you. Credit is very much appreciated, but not necessary. NO ONE is allowed to use my art or photos for AI whatsoever.
My art is not for children. While most of my art is perfectly family-friendly, a lot of it isn't. I'm very pro-kink and it influences even my non-sexual art. I do not censor myself nor my art.
I only take commissions on my FurAffinity, please see my commissions tab there for Terms of Service.
I am happy to hear requests, but it does not guarantee that I will make any of them.
A lot of my art is of my fursona Clover, they are my muse and I enjoy making all kinds of art of them :)
Growing up, I was (and still am) obsessed with pink, glitter, lace, ruffles, fashion dolls, ponies... really anything and everything "girly"! I've always loved poodles, and I've been collecting them since birth. My fursona is me, and represents where I've come from, who I am currently, and who I strive to be; honest, kind, caring, and creative.
I use my art to spread cheer, happiness, and love.
I want to encourage myself and others to always be the best version of yourself and achieve your goals!

This is not a full catalog, to see more please visit the links on the homepage! I post all of my public art on FurAffinity :)

Reference Sheets

Profile Pictures


Kidpix Collages

Artfight Attacks
(not my characters)

My focus is on ETHICAL animal keeping, and putting the needs of your pets first. Having animals is an extreme privilege, no one is EVER entitled to owning an animal, and pets are not for everyone. My goal is to better the care of all animals in captivity. If animal lives aren't improved by being in captivity, there's no point in having pets whatsoever.
Starting to research animals and their proper care can be difficult, and it may be hard to find good sources, so I'm here to help! I'm always willing to sit down and help a prospective, or current, animal keeper do the proper in-depth research necessary for quality, ethical animal care.

These are a few good starting points for animal care research! Always get your information from reputable, well-educated sources, and consult a vet about the best possible care for your animal.

Things to consider before your research begins
First and foremost: do you have a local vet that specializes in this animal's care? Do you have the funds for annual vet visits? Do you have the funds and/or insurance in case of an emergency? If the answer to any of these is no, then unfortunately now is not the time to have a pet.
If you are able to provide this animal it's medical needs, the next step is housing. Do you have an appropriate amount of space to give this animal? Are you able to give it more than the bare minimum? If you aren't able to provide more than the bare minimum, this animal isn't for you. Sure, they'll survive, but they will not thrive. As THE most intelligent species on the planet, we can do better than that!
When you have the space to provide this animal a fulfilling life, the next step is to take into account their lifespan, as well as their potential size and temperament. Yes, that baby macaw is adorable! What about 80 years from now, though? Who will take care of it then? Or even 40 years from now, will you be bored of this bird? Better yet, what if this sweet baby macaw is too loud and too messy for you in the first year? Where will this bird end up then? Not-so-fun fact, birds are THE most re-homed pet in the US. You are making a lifelong commitment to any animal you choose to permanently house.
Next, can you sufficiently handle this animal? Do you understand this species' body language? Are you able to confidently handle and train this animal? If you don't, there's room to learn! For instance, volunteering at animal shelters or taking training classes with an experienced handler, or even making a friend who keeps this species successfully and asking about learning more! There are so many ways to become more confident in animal handling and training BEFORE you get into a situation you regret.
From here, you'll need to consider this animal's husbandry needs and if you can provide them reliably. Sure, you can afford the first bag of dog food, but what about when your puppy grows and eats more, and the price inevitably rises? Are you able to change your pet's water every day, let alone walk your dog every day? Are you able to keep up with replacing UVBs, substrate changes, and full-enclosure cleanings? If not, you should not have that animal. These are the fundamentals of pet care, and to skimp on any aspect of husbandry can be fatal to your pets. Forget to mist an enclosure for a week? Your gecko may loose it's toes.
So, you have a vet, an abundance of space, you've committed to this animal for life, you know how to handle and train them, and you're able and willing to reliably give them the daily care they need... Can you afford the upfront costs? There are ways to make this aspect more accessible, such as getting secondhand enclosures, food and water dishes, or furniture and bedding.

Some things to take note of in your research
What are the hazards to this animal's well-being? How can I prevent these from affecting my animals?
What does this animal look like healthy? How do signs of illness or injury present in this animal?
Is this animal legal to keep in my Country, State, County, City, Neighborhood, and Home?
Do I have access to a reputable pet-sitter? Can I fully explain the daily care my pet needs?

RED FLAGS to note in your research
For reptiles specifically, something to look out for is anyone promoting the use of racks to keep animals, especially when they claim them to be better than vivariums.Racks CAN be used properly, for small species, quarantine, or babies. Sometimes even large snakes, as long as the bins in the rack are of an appropriate size for that animal to thrive.
HOWEVER, that is ONLY if the animal is provided proper choice and enrichment. A barren rack with nothing but a water bowl, and maybe a hide, is neglect. It is torture on those animals. It strips them of their choice to DO anything at all. The biggest hallmark of ethical animal keeping is giving your animals choice. They should always be provided the option, whether they use it or not, to climb, hide, bask, explore, and exhibit all of their natural behaviors. Why would you keep this animal if they aren't allowed to do the things they're naturally inclined to do?
Be on the lookout for anyone who claims their "30 years of experience" makes them the holy grail of information. It is wonderful that they have been keeping these animals for so long and that they enjoy it! But who's to say how that 30 years has been spent? Have they been keeping up with current research and care requirements? Have they been using outdated information and keeping their animals poorly? How is their animals' quality of life, what do their animals look like on average, and how long are those lives? How do they treat their animals period?This isn't to disrespect seasoned animal keepers whatsoever, if their 30 years have been spent taking excellent up-to-date care of their animals with the knowledge to back it up, you will see their animals thriving. That means great body conditions, healthy animals, longer lifespans, and good socialization.
Be on the lookout for information resources that directly contradict expert sources. An example of this would be with reptile substrate. While there are multiple ways to keep reptiles successfully on different substrates, some are NEVER okay. Shaved cedar, fir, and pine are toxic to all reptiles. If you ever see someone who admits to using, or even recommends, either of these to be used with reptiles, they are a DANGEROUS source of information. Always collect information from multiple sources and compare and contrast to find discrepancies and research the topic further.

This is regarding my personal experience keeping animals, I will be discussing what kind of mistakes I've made, and the consequences of those mistakes. This includes animal death. I will also talk about the steps I've taken to prevent those mistakes from continuing and impacting my continued care.

Growing up, I had many pets that I did not give proper care to. I'd done at most some surface level research, and gave those animals what I thought to be good care at the time. However there have been times where I knew better, but was still unable to provide what was required for the welfare of my animals. Specifically when I kept birds. As a middle schooler, I became very interested in parakeets and did some basic research from very outdated resources. I trusted pet store care guides, and whatever random websites I'd found in my searches, that all said very little about good cage sizes, bar sizing, proper cage materials, proper diets, or even socialization and the impact of clipping birds' wings vs. not.My first 2 birds did not live good lives. The first bird (Anakin) died the night after we brought it home, from god knows what. Maybe fumes from the kitchen, maybe stress, or the fact that we'd only bought egg supplement and not seed, and this bird only died after being given seed (about 12 hours after we brought it home). My parents did not care enough, or have enough money, to get an autopsy, in fact, if it weren't for the petco refund policy, they would've thrown it in the garbage. But the bird we brought home the next day (Bertha) lived for about 5 years, before a mysterious event took place.Her death was the fault of a person outside of the family, although she didn't live a very fulfilling life up to that point. She was not socialized, she didn't have a flock, and she lived in a relatively small cage with mirrors and an all-seed diet her whole life. Every night my parents insisted upon covering her cage so she didn't get cold, which also contributed to hormonal responses, which made her all the harder to even try and socialize. She only had one type of perch in her cage, and my parents very clearly resented both her and I for the fact that they had to take care of her.A few years later, I started working at my first pet store, and decided once we got birds at our store that I was ready for birds again. This time having them (Jesse and Jane) as my sole responsibility, which my parents had not allowed previously. I made major advances in caring for these birds, I paid attention to their husbandry needs daily and consistently, I made sure they had plenty of safe enrichment that got replaced regularly, a large enclosure that they took full advantage of, supervised time out of their cages, and had a variety of perches for good foot-health. The one thing I failed was providing a fresh and balanced diet, however I was supplementing their seed with high-quality pellets. I still felt I'd let my birds down by not paying more attention to them after moving to my first apartment, and after moving out of there, I left my birds with my parents, where one (Milo, acquired later) sadly passed when someone let her out while their dog was in the room.After this, my parents gave them, and their large cage, to a distant relative, that I personally trust a lot more with those birds than most people I've ever met, especially in that family. I have realized from all of my experience with birds, it's best if I love and respect them from a distance. Even if I were able to meet and exceed all of their needs, I don't think they're a pet I'd be comfortable having ever again.

Around the same time my birds were re-homed, I had learned my beloved gecko Loretta was dead. I'd entrusted them to a family member, who I'd informed of their care, to watch while I was moving. She starved to death. It was extremely apparent from the state her corpse was in. My other gecko, Conway, was in a bad state, but nowhere near where she was. To be clear, they were housed separately, this wasn't from resource competition, it was neglect. She was initially supposed to come home sooner, but this family member had agreed to keep both for longer and had never made me aware of their conditions or asked for help.We brought Conway home the same day we found out, and very quickly upgraded his living conditions. starting with his substrate, his hides, and his diet and daily husbandry, eventually upgrading his enclosure. He bounced back very quickly and has been doing wonderfully since. Even before this unfortunate incident, their care was maybe bare minimum. I'd known to give them proper temperature, humidity, feeders, UVB, and supplements, however I was unaware of the danger posed by reptile carpet, or the need for a diverse diet, or how many hides they should have and the quality of those hides.

I have learned since these mistakes and changed my husbandry as soon as I was able to, or made the improvements that I was capable of when I learned to. When I rescued Loretta, she was obese, egg-bound, had layers upon layers of stuck shed all over her body, was missing toes, kept on calcium sand, had no UVB, and an under-tank heat mat that provided her with no heat because of how deep the sand was. I immediately fixed these issues, by replacing her substrate and heating and lighting, and taking her to the vet to handle her issues. I knew most of what I should do, but the fact remains that my best at the time was not as good as it should've been. I only wish she'd lived long enough to see an even better life, in a large bioactive enclosure with plenty of tight dark hides.I can never go back and fix these issues, but I can grow from them and use that as fuel to provide all of my animals going forward top-notch care with up-to-date information. Beating myself up over my mistakes will do nothing but discourage me, animals have died and suffered in some way from mistakes I've made. I cannot bring them back. But I can minimize harm and multiply my passion and care going forward, to improve the lives of animals here and now.

Thank you for reading, I think it's important to be honest about my mistakes as someone who preaches proper husbandry and animal ethics. I hope this can inspire you to consider what you can do today to improve your animals' lives even more.